
Archive for April 27th, 2010

This Mother’s Day I want to gather together the three little loves of my life, to celebrate everything they have brought to my life. I want to celebrate the unwavering and unconditional bond that continues everyday, every month, every year to get stronger.

Each of my girls has walked a line closer to dying than living more times than I care to remember. So many nights have been spent waiting ’til the medicine kicks in, or for the doctor to pick up the phone or the ambulance to arrive. It changes you; it changes your perspective and your priorities. It makes it easier to laugh off the sleepless nights, the temper tantrums and the ridiculous notion of ear piercing at the age of five. I pray that with age (theirs and mine) my worries lessen; I pray that with time, I gain wisdom, patience and understanding. I pray for a restful night’s sleep and a laundry fairy, but most of all, I pray to never wish away a single moment of any day – good or bad. Because without one toe in each, you’d never appreciate either. So come May 9th, I want to spend a whole day devoted to my children. I’d like to think it would be spent flying a kite, building sand castles at the park or baking cookies, but I know them better than that.

It will be a perfect day at Build-A-Bear, watching the latest Barbie movie, and at the local ice cream store.

I’ll try on that day — as I do every day — to remind my girls that their very presence in my life is nothing short of a miracle. ..my single greatest gift in life.

Maybe a royal tea party with all the usual stuffed suspects will do.


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